Engineer's Integrity » Our Services

Our Services

Integrated Technologies

We design cost effective Integrated inspection services that integrates NDT, Robotics /Drone and Inspection Technologies.

We also integrate Inspection Results to AI for Risk assessment and recommendations.

We are also into Financial modelling of Risk and Cost to Risk.

Energy Technologies

We are solution provider for your energy needs and reduce Industrial Carbon foot print.

We are highly interested in your sustainability Goal and would be partner in you endeavor by providing you with risk assessment and guiding you towards investment.

Asset Integrity Solution

Corrosion Solution (Material/Corrosion/Cathodic Protection/Chemical Treatment)

We have AMPP certified Corrosion Professionals who have experience in dealing with Corrosion related issue in Refinery, Petrochemicals, Oil & Gas and pipeline. We are interested in solving your corrosion issues. We study your system and provide independent system solution.

We have experienced team for Cathodic Protection system. We have dealt with all kind of issues in Cathodic Protection System from designing, commissioning to trouble shooting and solving AC & DC Interference issues. We are basically into independent solution to your problem but we would help you in getting the most “Techno-Commercial- Reliable” equipment should you are in need of them.

We may also design, install, supply, monitor & maintain your system and also carry out survey.

Inspection Services

Our Authorized API inspectors are dedicated to provide you Inspection Services. They like carrying out On-stream & Off- stream Inspection Services for the static Equipment in line with Relevant code & Practices. We also work as Third Party Inspectors and ensure Quality for you. We also intend to provide you various inspection services whenever you need us.

Integrity Services

Our experienced team in Risk Based Inspection & Pipeline Integrity Management assist you in implementing the same in your company. We are dedicated to implement various Inspection &

Inspection Management software in your company and support Users.

Specialized Services

Our experienced team will help you also in various Surveys from day one up to formalizing company’s futuristic Maintenance Philosophy. These specialized services include various pipeline surveys viz Intelligent Pigging, Close Interval Potential Survey, Direct Current Voltage Survey, Current Attenuation Test Survey, External Corrosion Direct Assessment(ECDA), Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment(ICDA) & Assessment of Corrosion Management Program in Refinery, Petrochemicals,


Training & Data

Training, Documentation & Company Manual

We have certified professionals to train and we are also into training your employee for their professional excellence. We train your competent employee in Cathodic Protection, Inspection & Non-destructive Testing.

Our experienced professional help you in developing “Company Manual” specially on Corrosion &Inspection.

EI Events

Our platform serves as a catalyst for the convergence of brilliant technical minds through conferences and webinars, transcending geographical boundaries. With unwavering dedication, we strive to foster an environment that nurtures positive thinking, while addressing the three fundamental pillars of success. Our exceptionally skilled Event Team has exerted maximum effort to disseminate joy on a global scale, while simultaneously participating in a multitude of showcases dedicated to advancing social causes.
Connect with us for events at [email protected]
